Sukkot brought together the whole community for a joyful celebration that included a family sukkah decoration and service and our Shakshukah in the Sukkah (pictured) collaboration with Netzer—see highlights here.
Following this morning's Hoshana Raba service, we are looking forward to Shemini Atzeret tomorrow morning. Then, join us for Simchat Torah from 6.15 pm, as we unite to simultaneously commemorate and celebrate, finding joy, even as we remember the events that unfolded at this very time last year. In addition to the service, expect live music, dancing, singing and a light supper prepared by Nora's Kitchen. Register for Simchat Torah & October 7 Reflections here to save your spot and find details about our offering over the next few days in the High Holy Days section below, including programs for children, tots, teens and young adults.
An integral part of the Simchat Torah service is the naming of this year's honours. With great delight, we announce the 2024/5785 Chattan Torah, Avishai Conyer, and Kallat Bereshit, Sandy Hotz. Join us in marking this special moment for these two pillars of our community.
If you would still like to participate in our drive to combat food insecurity, please drop off your bags of non-perishable food items before the end of this week. Big thank you to everyone who has so generously donated to date.
Shabbat Live returns this week (25 October) as we welcome the remarkable Jillian Segal AO, Australia’s Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism and a valued member of our congregation, for our sold-out, biggest-ever Shabbat dinner. Seats sold out very quickly, so if you missed out this time, please keep an eye out for an announcement of our exciting final communal Shabbat dinner for 2024.
With November just around the corner, make sure these dates are in your diary—
• ShabbaTot w/ special guest Wendy Dolowitz – 1 NOV – REGISTER HERE
• Kol Nefesh Inner West w/ special guest Daniel Sherrel – 15 NOV – REGISTER HERE
• Lior Live in Concert [SELLING FAST] – 23 NOV – BOOK HERE
• Mitzvah Day – 24 NOV (details coming soon)
• People of the Books – 26 NOV (author to be announced soon)
If you've enjoyed our spiritual, educational and cultural programs this year, please consider donating to our annual Kol Nidrei Appeal so we can continue to present the diverse and inclusive range of engaging programs that have become our signature. Your support helps us bring our vision to life and allows our clergy to continue their important work. Please give generously here.
On a sombre note, it's with a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing of Alan Obrart, a dedicated and committed member of our congregation who was known for his kindness, gentle nature and generosity. Read more about Alan's accomplishments in the IN MEMORY section below and join us in sending love and condolences to his loved ones. May his memory be a blessing.
Thank you for choosing to spend this sacred season with us. We're so proud of our beautiful community and look forward to seeing you in person and online as these High Holy Days come to a close.
Chag sameach.