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Dear Son - In Conversation with Thomas Mayor

Sunday, 5 September, 2021 28 Elul 5781

5:00 PM - 6:30 PMEmanuel Synagogue

Thomas Mayor is a Torres Strait Islander man born on Larrakia country in Darwin. His life has seen him move from a career in trade unionism to spearheading the effort to garner support for a constitutionally enshrined First Nations voice.

As part of Emanuel Synagogue’s ‘In Conversation’ series, Thomas will be speaking about his new book, Dear Son. The book shares heartfelt letters written by First Nations men about life, masculinity, love, culture and racism. 
Along with his own vivid and poignant prose and poetry, Thomas has invited 12 contributors to write a letter to their son, father or nephew, bringing together a range of perspectives that offers the greatest celebration of First Nations manhood.

The work features letters from Stan Grant, Troy Cassar-Daley, John Liddle, Charlie King, Joe Williams, Yessie Mosby, Joel Bayliss, Daniel James, Jack Latimore, Daniel Morrison, Tim Sculthorpe and Blak Douglas. Each contributor has a relative who has been terribly wronged because of their Aboriginality. 

This beautiful and poignant anthology arrives amid a resurgence of pride among First Nations people; breaking free of derogatory stereotypes, they are increasingly finding solace in their communities and cultures. 

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